
Welcome to my blog.

Enjoy my dumb content.

Sports Stuff

I like sports. Sometimes I recap seasons, games, and just post general thoughts.

Gaming Stuff

I play a lot of old games and sometimes will talk about the games I play.

Other Stuff

Sometimes there’s other things to talk about.

Enjoy the dumb takes.


Latest from the Blog

Speedrunning and Speedcubing: Eerily Similar and Surprisingly Different

You’ve probably been frustrated trying to play a video game. You’ve also probably been frustrated trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube. These frustrations can be quite similar. But what about doing both super fast? If you’ve been reading my posts, you know I’ve talked about speedrunning before, specifically the history of the any% speedrun of…

The Very Best of Jerry Remy

I originally wrote a piece earlier this year that covered some of Jerry Remy’s best moments in the booth with Don Orsillo, but given that Jerry has sadly passed away recently, I think it was best to look back at some of Jerry’s best moments in the booth and outside of all time. I will…